Please keep an eye on this page as there can sometimes be last minute notices especially if we need to cancel a session at short notice, if we have had a lot of rain for instance. If the weather looks dodgy it is always worth checking this page before setting out.


Assesment Day this year will be on the 1st of September.

As usual we have arranged for independent assesors who will be new to you.

For new members who have not been to an assement day before please don't worry about entering you will have a good day, you will be entered into a class to suit your ability and you will not be asked to attempt any test you have not tried during training,There are lots of trophies and rossettes to be won and who knows your name could be on one!

We ask everyone to arrive by 9.30 am when you will be given your competition number, and we can all be ready to start at 10 you will need a packed lunch and dog lunch because the event usually lasts until around 4pm. You might want to bring a chair as well.

Entry forms will be available at the desk soon and we ask you to prebook so we know numbers to arrange clases before the day, cost will be the usual £7 payable when booking please.


Around 30 members attended our AGM this year and learnt of the plans for 2024.

The major change is that the training fees are to increase to £7.00 per session from the next training day which is the first Sunday in March. If you can bring the correct money it will make Pam very happy.

The reason for the increase is that the ground rent has gone up and we need to try to cover this with training fees, I hope you will agree it is still good value.

Annual membership fees will remain the same at £10 for single or £15 for dual membership when there are two trainers and/or dogs.

Awards were given for acheivements by dogs and handlers.

Most improved Retriever handler. Peter Cherry with Tarka

Most improved handler Suzie Kerr

Most improved Spanial Handler, June Galton with Tilly

Most improved handler Spaniel

Most inproved Spanial Blake handled by Suzy Kerr

Most Improved Spanial, Tilly handled by June Galton

Training 2024

We have a lot of people contact us wishing to join us with their dogs, we have a list of these potential new members and will be inviting you all to join us on a first come first served bases. Please wait until we contact you and don't just turn up as we have a limited number of trainers and we try to control class sizes as much as we can to ensure you get the attention you need.

There are lots of things that you can do before your turn comes which will help you to get off to a flying start when you come to your first training class. Things like sit, stay and come can be achieved in the smallest space (even indoors if necessary) and, if you don't overdo it, it is never to soon to start your puppy on the basics. Just try simple commands two or three times, don't get cross if the dog fails, be consistent with your commands and give loads of praise or a small treat when they get it right. You will be surprised how quickly a young dog gets it.


We are looking at away days and will hopefully have some dates soon. For those of you who have not been on an away day, we try and arrange to visit a different location two or three times during the year where the dogs get to try out different ground and cover etc. to make their training a little more interesting, and give them a different area to work. Away days are always great fun and you get a chance to chat to other members who you may not have met during regular sessions. We try to arrange these on non regular Sundays and dogs and handlers usually go home tired and wet!


Access to MEMBERS page

We have members only pages on this site which are only available to club members.

If you wish to view these pages which contain info only of interest to members i.e Club

constitution, AGM minutes etc. Then the following procedure will give you access;

1. click on members page

2. in the box were it asks for user name enter your name as:- firstname.surname

3. click on green 'register'

4. an email will be sent to the email address you gave us when you joined the club

5. the email will contain a link, click on this and you will enter the members area

6. you will now be able to see the info we hold for you and you can enter a password which will give you private direct access in the future.

If this does not work contact me with your name and email and I will check your entry.